Tenuta di Castellaro and the Aeolian gastronomic tradition.
19 March 2021
The Aeolian gastronomic tradition represents a perfect blend of ancient rural and maritime traditions, which goes well with the elegance and freshness of Tenuta di Castellaro wines.

Aeolian cuisine is a perfect blend of ancient traditions, unique in its kind. It is a cuisine with strong flavors, enriched with wild aromatic herbs that give character to each dish, recalling the incredible Aeolian landscape.

The main character is certainly the caper, present in most recipes, from appetizers to desserts!

Our wines balance and enhance the Aeolian cuisine thanks to their characteristic flavor and saltiness that distinguish them.

A classic dish of the tradition is, for example, the "Pani caliatu cunzatu", which goes perfectly with our Bianco Porticello or Rosa Caolino.

Why don’t you try to prepare it at home?


For 4 people:

1 onion, 200g of caliatu bread (stale bread); 500g of cherry tomatoes; ½ teaspoon of oregano; 2 spoons of desalted capers; 4 spoons of extra virgin olive oil; salt.

Preparation: slice the onion, wash it well with salt and water and then squeeze it. Quickly dip the bread in hot water without soaking it. Squeeze it and crumble it in a bowl, add the chopped tomatoes, onion, capers, oregano, oil and salt. Stir and let it rest for half an hour before serving.

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