Abouts us
Dream and passion:
here wines of excellence are born

"... Wine stirs the spring, happiness bursts through the earth like a plant, walls crumble, and rocky cliffs, chasms close, as song is born..”


Pablo Neruda - Ode to Wine



The Tenuta Castellaro wines are born from the love of a unique territory and from the will of recover it to give life to a project made of land, vineyard and people, in an extreme synthesis of purity.

The millenary tradition of alberello training sistem imposes almost total manual processing of the vineyard, which requires dedication, passion and experience, strength and generosity.

Those are the characteristics that the team of Tenuta di Castellaro transmits to our wines.


Abouts us
The Estate

Tenuta di Castellaro came to life after a morning walk in the Piana di Castellaro, back in the summer of 2005. An ambitious project get born that day, and it keeps evolving nowadays.


Massimo Lentsch and Stefania Frattolillo, entrepreneurs from Bergamo, were guided by the love for the amazing Lipari island and they wanted to create a real work of art. Tenuta di Castellaro winery is a pure expression of the volcanic territory of Aeolian Islands, magical and uncontaminated places that have hosted a dream transforming it into a unique reality.


The 2000 square metres winery, built on the Lipari Island, is in fact a monument dedicated to landscape, art, architecture and technology, in full respect of nature, people and traditions.


About us
The agronomist

Alessandro Zanutta is the agronomic consultant of Tenuta di Castellaro. He is genuine Friulan and he is specialized in the production of new facilities and in the recovery and restoration of old vineyards.

Before becoming a consultant, Alessandro worked for 20 years as head of technical assistance service of the Collio Consortium and he collaborated in plenty of projects, gaining experience throughout the national territory but also in Austria, Germany and especially in California.

His training activity is fundamental for the winery that involve all the collaborators who work in the vineyard during the year through theoretical, practical and mentoring courses in the vineyards.

About us
The winemaker

Emiliano Falsini, born and raised in Tuscany, is graduated in Viticulture and Oenology at University of Florence with the highest marks.
He lived two important experiences at the beginning of his career path: Robert Mondavi Winery in California and Villa Maria Estate in New Zealand.

Since 2000 he has been working with the Matura Group and with important winery, organic, biodynamic and conventional companies located in different Italian regions.
After that he attended some internship at the Bordeaux Oenology Faculty, he intervenes as an international judge in important wine competitions such as: International Wine Competition, Japan Wine Challenge, Finger Lakes International and many others.

His philosophy: "I feel free to interpret the wine by humbly listening what the nature wants to tell us with its strength and energy; for that reason, I am completely sure that the work to create a great wine starts in the vineyard. The elegance of a wine is already present in the soil that has fed it.”

Abouts us
In the vineyard and in the cellar...

Andrea, Bartolo, Carlo, Catriel, Giacomo and Giuseppe are just some of our historical vineyard men. Thanks to their expert and tireless hands, from sunrise to sunset, our vineyards are cared for with passion in every gesture and processing phase: from new plants to harvest, through pruning and daily maintenance.


Cellar and barrel room are the Sebastiano’s kingdom, our cellarman who, with professionalism and extreme attention, transforms the fruit harvested into the nectar that we find in the bottle.

Abouts us
... beyond the vineyard

The world wide of wine does not stop only in the winery: to distribute and to make our excellence known everywhere we need the experience and passion of women and men who tirelessly take care of the Tenuta di Castellaro beyond Lipari.


With over than ten years of experience in the wine world behind him, Daniele Sassi is responsible for the commercialization of our wines in Italy and on international markets.

In the office, Sara and Paola are the operative arms of the administration of Tenuta di Castellaro.


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